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"justify" the rasmus

So close so far I’m lost in time
Ready to follow a sign
If there was only a sign
The last goodbye burns in my mind
Why did I leave you behind?
Guess it was too high to climb

Give me a reason
Why would you want me
To live and die
Living a lie
You were the answer
All that I needed
To justify, justify my life

Someone as beautiful as you
Could do much better it’s true
That didn’t matter to you
I tried so hard to be the one
Its something I couldn’t do
Guess I was under the gun

Give me a reason
Why would you want me
To live and die
Living a lie
You were the answer
All that I needed
To justify, justify my life

It’s only right
That I should go
And find myself
Before I go and ruin
Someone else

So close so far
I’m lost in time
Ready to follow a sign
If there was only a sign

Give me a reason
Why would you want me
To live and die
Living a lie
You were the answer
All that I needed
To justify, justify my life

It’s only right
That I should go
And find myself
Before I go and ruin
Someone else

однолюбка   7 сентября 2009   846 0 4  

Рейтинг: +3

Тэги: The Rasmus, justify


Luciana13 # 7 сентября 2009 года   0  
Обожаю The Rasmus! эту песню!
Очень клип красивый у них на эту композицию, правда грустный...
однолюбка # 8 сентября 2009 года   0  
их клип на меня действует успокаевающе
Luciana13 # 9 сентября 2009 года   0  
на меня тоже в принципе...песня очень хорошая
хенуш # 10 сентября 2009 года   +3  
хорошая песня

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