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Ricky Martin - The Cup Of Life

The cup of life
This is the one
Now is the time
Don`t ever stop
Push it along
Right to the top

Como Cain y Abe!
Es un partido cruel
Tienes que perear
Por una estrella
Consigue con honor
La copa del amor
Para sobrevivir y luchar por ella
Luchar por ella (YEAH)
Do you really want it....(YEAH)

Here we go! Ale, Ale, Ale!
Go, go, go! Ale, Ale, Ale!
Arriba va!! El mundo esta de pie
Go, Go, Go!! Ale, Ale, Ale

La vida es
Hay que sonar
Ser campeуn
La copa es
La bendiciуn
La ganaras
Go, Go, Go!

And when you feel the heat
The world is in your feet
No one can hold you down
If you really want it
Just steal your destiny
Right from the hands of fate
Reach for the cup of life
`Cause your name is on it
Do you really want it....(YEAH)
Do you really want it....(YEAH)

tu y yo! Ale, Ale, Ale
Go, go, go! Ale, Ale, Ale
Tonight`s the night we`re
gonna celebrate
The cup of life!!! Ale, Ale, Ale!


margosha100 deleted   22 мая 2010   646 0 2  

Рейтинг: 0


marfusa # 22 мая 2010 года   +2  
Я не понимаю. Только для тех, кто знает английский??
margosha100 deleted # 23 мая 2010 года   +2  
Песня о короткой жизни в которой хочется все успеть. А называется песня "Чаша жизни".

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