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Подборка простых диалогов по теме Shopping

Подборка простых диалогов по теме Shopping Dialogue 1

- Can I help you?
- Yes, I’m looking for a sweater.
- What size are you?
- I’m an extra large.
- How about this one?
- Yes, that’s nice. Can I try it on?
- Certainly, there’s the changing rooms over there.
- Thank you.
- How does it fit?
- It’s too large. Do you have a large?
- Yes, here you are.
- Thank you. I’ll have it, please.
- OK, how would you like to pay?
- Do you take credit cards?
- Yes, we do. Visa, Master Card and American Express.
- OK, here’s my Visa.
- Thank you. Have a nice day!
- Thank you, goodbye.


try __ on – примерять что-то
size – размер
fit – подходить
changing room – примерочная
How would you like to pay? – Каким способом желаете оплатить?
credit card - кредитка

Dialogue 2

- Excuse me, how can I get to the women’s department?
- Over there, on the right, madam, just near the linen department.
- Thank you.
- What can I do for you?
- I need gloves.
- What gloves would you like: leather or suede?
- I haven’t made my choice yet. What could you advise?
- I think these suede gloves are good. And their colour is very nice.
- Thank you and the size is just mine. I’ll buy them.


suede – замша
leather – кожаный
linen – постельное белье

Dialogue 3

- What would you like, sir?
- I need a suit for everyday wear. Can I have a look at this grey suit?
- Here you are. It’s size 50.
- Can I try it on?
- Certainly. The fitting-room is over there.


a suit for everyday wear – повседневный костюм
fitting-room – примерочная

Dialogue 4

- We have nothing for supper, Jane. Would you buy something to eat?
- Just in half an hour.
- Then go to the greengrocer’s and buy potatoes, tomatoes and a kilo of apples.
- And what about bread?
- Well, drop in at the bakery and buy some brown bread and buns or biscuits.


drop in – забегать
bun – булочка
bakery – булочная

Dialogue 5

Mike: It’s a wonderful shop!
Bob: It is. I always do shopping here. Here is the shopping list. Let’s go to the meat counter.
Mike: What shall we buy?
Bob: We want some beef and a chicken. You know I can’t do without meat.
Mike: I’m fond of dairy products.
Bob: Look! The chicken is splendid and the beef is of superior quality. Now let’s go for dairy products.
Mike: All right. Here are the eggs, unsalted butter, sour milk. sour cream and bottled milk.
Bob: What’s next on the shopping list?
Mike: I think juice. Let’s buy apple juice.
Bob: It makes no difference for me.
Mike: Here it is. The lemons and oranges look fine. Let’s have some.
Bob: Okay. Our cart is full up. Let’s go to the cash register.


shopping list – список покупок
beef – говядина
splendid – великолепный
cart – тележка

Dialogue 6

Mary: I’d like to buy an everyday dress.
Shop-assistant: We’ve got fashionable ones. Try on this one.
Mary: It’s a bit tight.
Shop-assistant: Oh, no. It’s modern silhouette.
Mary: I’m afraid it’s too expensive for me.
Shop-assistant: This model is all the fashion now.
Mary: Well, I’ll think it over.


tight – узкий
expensive – дорогой

Фото Екатерины Огородник (Люси, то бишь)

Марина Тумовская   28 декабря 2010   14120 5 5  

Рейтинг: +7

Тэги: Shopping, English


Uskay # 29 декабря 2010 года   +1  
нужна транскрипция, если это возможно ( туго с прочтением слов у меня )
Марина Тумовская # 29 декабря 2010 года   +1  
работа со словарем а куда без нее?
а еще, кстати, опять же в словарях яндекса, есть не только транскрипция, но и проговаривание каждого слова. жмешь там на звук - и дяденька слово произносит
Linda2011 # 29 декабря 2010 года   +1  
в такой форме удобно и улучшится наш словарный запас. Интересно если несколько человек присоединится и как в школе новая тема - закрепили.
Руслёна # 4 января 2011 года   +1  
Очень понравилось! Но надо читать, когда никого нет дома и никто не висит над головой- мамааа, дай посидееееть!
Марина Тумовская # 5 января 2011 года   0  
Руслена пишет:
никто не висит над головой- мамааа, дай посидееееть

))) ну конечно

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